We hear there is a new book coming out by Saul J Berman, the lead partner for Innovation In IBM called “Not for Free”.
If you have read “Free” by Chris Anderson (founder of Wired magazine), you might want to have a look at Berman’s new book.
We’re huge advocates of the ‘Freemium’ model Anderson talks about in his book, but, obviously, business is about collecting money and free stuff is only one step towards that.
We predict that within 5 years, the entire pricing landscape will have changed with bespoke prices for almost every customer based on quantities, frequency and quality if product/ service consumed.
We’ve coined a term for this: ‘Mononiche’ it means to niche down to a segment containing just 1 customer and develop a marketing plan for each segment.
Modern CRMs and intelligent content can quite easily do this. Read Seth Godin’s, “Permission Marketing” to learn more or speak to us. We do this for clients daily.