Are you looking to build relationships with your customers? Use the dating analogy! Why? Because it is a lot easier to spot when you’re coming across as annoying, aggressive or even a little bit stalkerish.
Nipping those bad qualities in the bud will immensely improve the outcome of your marketing. Especially your Email Marketing!
An excellent example of this is one given by Harrison Weber in an article he’d written for The Next Web.
Weber joined and received plenty of emails from the e-commerce design web site Fab. Fab immediately took action when there was a decrease in the number of emails Weber was opening by using the ‘It’s not you, it’s me’ approach.
Check out the email Fab sent below to see what they said.
Also, the subject line ‘Stop.Getting.So.Much.Email.Smile, you’re designed to’ is pretty awesome too.
Why does this approach work so well? Not only does it allow you to do regular triggered data cleansing. It allows you to subtly remind your email subscribers to read what you are sending.
Hubspot are using a similar approach.
Personally if the Fab email had been sent to me, I’d feel a little bad for not opening their emails. What do you think? Will you be using the ‘It’s not you, it’s me’ approach with your email subscribers?
(Images courtesy of twm1340, The Next Web )